So I have been working quite a bit on the MPLS WAN setup the past few weeks. Currently I have two sites running the new MPLS nodes as their gateway and one more currently staged which will be installed in the coming weeks.
I still have some work to do for the sites which use multiple wan connections, but the primary WAN works great! I have also setup network monitoring using LibreNMS which allows me to do ICMP and SNMP monitoring, while also letting me build custom triggers for alerts. As of right now it covers all of my needs. 🙂
One note is that I had to adjust the MPLS MTU for the undelay DMVPN tunnel, but I will do a seperate post regarding MPLS MTU specifically.
Another project I have been working on is handeling backups of network configuration. So yesterday I set up an Ansible playbook which logs into network devices and checks if the configuration has been changed. If it detects a change it will grab the output of the following commands and write them to a file locally on the server. If there are any changes to the local backup files, it will then execute a python script which adds, commits and pushes the changes to Github.
- name: gurfininfra backup playbook
hosts: all
gather_facts: no
- name: Show run
commands: show running-config
register: run_out
- name: Check if configuration has changed
src: /yeet/yeet/network_backups/backup_only_config_template.j2
dest: "/yeet/yeet/network_backups/backups_config/{{ inventory_hostname }}_config_only_backup.txt"
register: running_config
- name: Get inventory
commands: show inventory
register: inventory_out
when: running_config.changed
- name: Get version
commands: show version
register: version_out
when: running_config.changed
- name: Get lldp neighbors
commands: show lldp neighbors
register: lldp_out
when: running_config.changed
- name: Get cdp neighbors
commands: show cdp neighbors
register: cdp_out
when: running_config.changed
- name: Get bgp summary
commands: show ip bgp all sum
register: bgp_out
when: running_config.changed
- name: Create backup file
src: /yeet/yeet/network_backups/backup_template.j2
dest: "/yeet/yeet/network_backups/backups/{{ inventory_hostname }}_backup.txt"
when: running_config.changed
- name: Push to Github
cmd: /yeet/yeet/network_backups/
executable: /usr/bin/python3
register: result
when: running_config.changed
I would really like to get the secondary MPLS links up and running and also connect the network backup Ansible inventory, as well as the LibreNMS monitoring, to my Netbox instance, so that I can provision backup and monitoring directly in the IPAM.